Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Reality of Family Pictures: Bribe, Threaten and Don't Forget to Smile

                Y’all! Look at this:

                Oh, and this one:

                I still get giddy over these oldies but goodies:

                And the latest addition to my wall:

What you are probably thinking while looking at these: “Geez, this woman is picture obsessed!”
What I am thinking looking at these “How many more of these can I squeeze in before the Bigs graduate and move out? They’ll come home for family pictures, right? Of course they will! Wait, what if they don’t? Can I make them?  Will bribery still work when they’re adults?”  I will stop there.  My thoughts will ramble on and on and I actually have a point here.

                Why are family pictures so important to me? It is such a deep and personal explanation. 

  Through out my childhood my teenage years I was chubby girl.  Not surprisingly, I despised seeing my reflection and absolutely HATED the idea of being in a picture.  Don’t believe that I was that chubby? I won’t go on and on about my body/body image journey.  I will just drop this right here…

      Once I became a mother I couldn’t get enough pictures of my amazing children.  My little people are the cutest/funniest/best people ever to grace this planet.  Okay, okay, okay at least to me they are, and I totally understand if you don’t necessarily agree. <just keep that to yourself, mmmmkay?> How could I expect them to smile when I ask for a picture instead of moan and groan if I myself refuse to be in pictures?  Simply put, if I want pictures of them I need to be in pictures as well.  And if I am going to be in pictures, why not hire a professional? Why do I prefer to hire a professional? Because if I don't the only pictures of me would be the ones my children have taken with their electronic devices, without my permission, pre-coffee and outside of the window of time that I look some-what put together.  Not at all how I want to be remembered.  Outside of selfies on my phone with my little people (I call them “weezies” self --> selfies  we --> weezies) it is impossible to be IN the picture if another person is not taking said picture.  Hire a professional as often as you can. It is an investment that will only grow in value over time. I mean it. I really, really, really mean it.

                My mother lost her mother before I was born.  I love hearing stories of similarities between Mimi and myself, even though she and I never had the pleasure of meeting.  During one of these conversations I witnessed it hit my mother like a ton of bricks: “I wish I had more pictures of my mother; especially pictures of me AND my mother.”  My parents are amazing people and even better parents. I will always have the pictures to prove it, remember it and scream it to the hill tops. Why wouldn’t my own children deserve the same? They do deserve it, so they will always have it.  

                Family pictures taken over the years tell the story of your family without requiring words.  One can easily document the growth and evolution of your family unit through these images.  My mind takes that one step further (or a few hundred steps further).  My goal is that one day my children will look back at these pictures and the life-altering revelation will suddenly hit them: “I remember that…. I guess my parents weren’t that bad were they? We actually had a great life didn’t we?”  And then they will call me and we will talk for hours and finally build a friendship from our lifetime of parenting and defiance.   Like I said, my mind takes that a few hundred steps further, but I have this all played out in my head. It will happen! And looking at old family pictures will start it all, I just know it!
                A woman I have considered a friend since High School tragically lost her sweet baby boy.  Her story is not mine to tell but as a mother I eagerly wait for and eat up any ounce of advice she drops regarding valuing the time we are given with our precious children. She recently shared a picture of a location that she had once tried to take a picture of her son, but in true little boy fashion he didn’t cooperate so she didn’t take the picture.  Let that sink in, y'all. She did not take that picture. Three years later she took a picture of this location and told the world “Take pictures folks.. Even when the situation isn’t perfect.. If they won’t look or smile.. Take the picture.”  I am listening for every piece of advice she has, and I heard her.  My soul heard her. Please hear her and “Take the picture”
             Will every picture be worthy of a 40x32 canvas to hang on the wall for years? Probably not, but it only takes one out of a few hundred to strike gold.  Will your kids always want to do it? Not likely. Bribe them. Threaten them. Heck, put their college education on the line! Whatever it takes. (excluding abuse!)  Will your husband (or significant other) be as fired up about taking pictures as you are? Uh, if so make sure you put that at the top of your “Today I am thankful for….” list.  My husband spends most of these family picture sessions cursing me out through the clenched teeth of his “smile”.  Has that stopped me? Not even once.  Our two Bigs HATE family pictures but have learned that it is best to smile and cooperate, because the sooner I am satisfied with the pictures taken, the sooner they can go back to whatever it is that they would much rather be doing. Oh, and bribery…. Bribe them with ice cream, uninterrupted tv time or a day free of chores. You know them, so you know what it will take to get that smile.  Even if you know that smile is faker than bright pink Easter grass, get that picture.  

In the end most of the pictures won’t be perfect.  Don’t you DARE dispose of them!  These “bloopers” or “outtakes” have become some of my favorite pictures. Why? Because they perfectly display the reality of family pictures. And that is certainly worth remembering.


Gotta give credit where credit is due! Photo credits:

Sara Clance Photography-
Sarah Royer
J. Langley Photos-
Tiffany Hess Photography-

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